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125 Years

Always Green

In 1900, your fellow Sempervirens Fund supporters launched the redwoods conservation movement. Join us throughout 2025 to reflect on your 125 year legacy of protecting redwoods in the Santa Cruz Mountains to help ensure redwoods remain sempervirens—always green.

photo by Canopy Dynamics

A Milestone Year for the Future of Redwoods

In 1900—125 years ago—citizen activists joined in common cause to establish Sempervirens Fund as California’s first land trust. The core of our mission then remains the same today: protect redwoods in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

Redwoods are one of the longest-living species on Earth. Coast redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) live thousands of years—supplying habitat, carbon storage, and awe. Although only 5% of redwoods’ oldest trees remain, we are working to ensure the future generations of old-growth redwoods take root.

As we reflect on our legacy and look forward to the future, we are forever thankful to our vast community of supporters for your commitment to protecting redwoods. Our community, like the redwoods we protect, endures. Together we are Sempervirens. Together we are always green.

Join us here throughout 2025 to take action, reflect on our shared achievements, and look ahead to the necessary work needed to ensure redwoods thrive for centuries to come.

A black and white photo of dozens of Sempervirens Club members in 1900 sit in suits, dresses, and hats at the base of an old-growth redwood with a banner that reads “Sempervirens Club” next to an American flag, from Sempervirens Fund’s historic archive

photo by A.P. Hill

125 Years of Keeping Redwoods Always Green

Our Story

In 1900, Sempervirens Fund led the way to protect six square miles of old-growth redwoods which are now the heart of Big Basin Redwoods State Park. Together, we've protected more than 36,000 acres since. This is our story.

Read Our Story

Cast Your Vote

As we celebrate 125 years of protecting redwoods, we invite you to vote for the most significant achievement in our history. Your vote will help us honor past victories and build momentum for the future of redwood conservation.

Cast Your Vote

Under the Redwoods

Learn how redwoods stay always green in our special four-part Redwoods and the Elements series of our free Under the Redwoods webinars. Join researcher and fog expert Dr. Daniel Fernandez to learn about redwoods’ relationship with fog on Tuesday, 1/28 at 1 pm PT.

Register for Under the Redwoods

Redwoods Festival

Hosted among the redwoods at the historic Roaring Camp, our first-ever Redwoods Festival  will celebrate the redwoods with supporters like you and feature live music, train rides, hiking tours, food trucks, and other family fun!

Save the Date

Keeping Redwoods Always Green

Join Us

Sempervirens Fund knows how special redwoods are to people like you. You can play a critical role in creating the extraordinary redwood forest system we need today, for thriving wildlife, a resilient climate, and for the magnificent places people explore for joy and renewal. Your passion and your investment will continue a 125 year legacy of giant redwood trees, clear-running streams, and a healthy forest in our own backyards.

Let’s come together here and now to take action at this crucial moment in redwood history – so we all can enjoy the local redwood forest with our families and friends and countless generations to come.

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