Action Center
Take Action for Redwoods and the Earth
In 1900, Sempervirens Fund was founded by citizen advocates seeking to protect redwoods. Redwoods survive today thanks to people like you and with your support, they can thrive. You can take action today to protect redwoods, the Santa Cruz mountains, and our climate for generations to come.
Featured Action
AB 2103
Help Rebuild State Parks
Assembly Bill 2103 passed the Senate on August 26th! Now, AB 2103 just needs the Governor’s signature to help rebuild our fire-damaged Big Basin, Butano, and Año Nuevo State Parks and protect the region's incredible biodiversity recovering from the 2020 CZU Fire. Will you urge the Governor to support AB 2103 to rebuild State Parks?
America the Beautiful
Help Protect 30% by 2030
The vision for protecting and restoring 30% of America’s land and waters by 2030 has a ways to go. Urge state leadership to prioritize conserving and restoring lands, waters, and wildlife.
Santa Cruz County
Water & Wildfire Protection
Santa Cruz County has some of the most beautiful places on earth but its one of the only Bay Area counties without funding to protect its land and resources. Learn more about the Santa Cruz County Water and Wildfire Protections campaign and how you can support it by volunteering or donating for water, land, and wildfire protection in Santa Cruz County.
Stay Tuned for Upcoming Advocacy Action
California Climate Bond
We Can’t Wait A Moment Longer
You helped the climate bond make it to the ballot! With increasingly severe fires, floods, and sea level rise affecting the state each year, California should be rapidly investing to deploy climate mitigation measures and strengthen its resiliency as soon as possible. Thanks to you and your fellow supporters urging state leadership, Proposition 4 "Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparedness, and Clean Air Bond Act of 2024" will be put before the voters on the November 5th ballot. Thank you for bringing us one step closer to protecting the climate for forests, wildlife, and all of us! Sign up to get alerts about next steps to help California get a climate bond.
Why Advocacy Matters
How You Can Make an Impact
Learn more about ways to advocate for redwoods and the earth to magnify our impact together with Government Relations Director Rachel Dann Under the Redwoods.
More Ways to Take Action
Help Protect Redwoods Forests
Caring for our lands is a big task and there are many opportuntities to help from field projects to administrative projects. Roll up your sleeves for redwood forests.
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Sign up to receive action emails from Sempervirens Fund so that you can take action to protect our natural resources—including redwoods—when we need it the most. We will keep you up to date on advocacy actions, volunteer opportunities, and virtual experiences.
Sign Up for Texts
Keep Connected
Sign up to receive redwood and climate action texts from Sempervirens Fund so that you can take action when we need it the most. We will keep you connected about advocacy actions, volunteer opportunities, and other ways to protect redwoods and the Earth.
Follow Us On Social
Be Posted
Follow us on social media to keep posted on how you can help protect redwoods and spread the word.
Your Gift Lasts a Lifetime
Protecting redwoods today ensures that they will last for generations to come, protecting wildlife and clean water, and sustaining natural defenses for withstanding climate change.
More to Explore
- Hear more about why your advocacy matters for redwoods and the planet with Rachel Dann, Director of Government Relations Under the Redwoods
- Read about the impacts of climate on redwoods in our Redwoods and Climate series
- Learn about our goals for redwoods in crisis in our Climate Action Plan for Redwoods