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Help Protect Redwoods Forests

Who doesn’t love getting out into nature and helping restore forests to thrive? Caring for our lands is a big task and we know that our community welcomes opportunities to help. Our volunteer needs are diverse, from assisting staff with administrative support to helping with special events to participating in field projects. We hold annual events—both on properties we own and those we have transferred to California State Parks—that include removing invasive species, rebuilding trails, counting birds, and other activities.


Please fill out our volunteer form and email it to us at or use our online contact form to let us know your availability, talents, and volunteer interests. We look forward to hearing from you! You can also help us by becoming a volunteer Redwood Ambassador.

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities to volunteer for and in the forest!

Under the Redwoods: free monthly webinars

We are delighted to invite you to join us in the forest virtually for a free monthly webinar. Delve into the beauty, history, science, and benefits of our magnificent redwood forests with Under the Redwoods: a Sempervirens Fund webinar series.

Big Basin Recovery

As the fires still burned at Big Basin and in the Santa Cruz Mountains last year, many of you were already asking: how can I help? California State Parks is ready to organize volunteer support for some of the recovery work to come. Visit their registration form and learn more.

Regional Volunteer Opportunities

Here are additional volunteer opportunities with partners and organizations that support our forests and parks:

Castle Rock State Park and Big Basin Redwoods State Park

Santa Cruz Mountains Trail Association (SCMTA)
Sempervirens Fund helped found the SCMTA in 1969 that builds and maintains trails in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Join their Castle Rock Trail Crew, Skyline-to-the-Sea Trail Crew or Big Basin Volunteer Trail Crew. Visit their website for volunteer trail crew details and schedules (you will need to apply for membership to view the calendar and details). And get Involved with Reimagining Big Basin, more info here.

Butano State Park

To volunteer for Butano’s trail crew, call the park at 650-879-2040.

Other Trail Projects

Stay Connected


One Week Left

Join as a Forest Sustainer by Sept 30th to help unlock the $5,000 match

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