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Curiosity Stories logo has a dark green tree icon on a peach circle above a yellow circle that makes oarange in the middle where they overlap. White font reads "Curiosity Stories presented by Sempervirens Fund"

Discovering the Wonders of Redwoods

Redwoods inspire curiosity and wonder. If you enjoy learning about redwoods and why they are marvels of nature, join us to follow the journeys of inquisitive people seeking to discover the wonders of redwoods.

Subscribe to Sempervirens Fund’s YouTube channel to see every episode.

photo by Orenda Randuch

Curiosity Stories

Curiosity Stories are presented by Sempervirens Fund, California’s first land trust, protecting redwoods in the Santa Cruz mountains. We hope Curiosity Stories inspire you to pursue your own questions about redwoods, the natural world, and so much more. The more we learn about redwoods, the more we act to protect and care for them.

Episode 1: This Tree Has Gone Through Everything

In the debut episode of Curiosity Stories, follow artist and illustrator Jane Kim, of Ink Dwell studio, on her journey to create art and understanding from an old-growth redwood. Embark into the forest with her as she cuts "cookies" from an ancient stump at Camp Jones Gulch with professional forester Bruce Baker—the first step in creating art prints of tree rings. What can we learn about the history of the forest from this stump?

Episode 2: Deciphering Tree Data

In the second episode of Curiosity Stories, artist and illustrator Jane Kim continues her quest to create art from the cut rounds of an old-growth coast redwood stump. She is joined by dedrochronologist Allyson Carroll and together they decipher tree ring data and what it means for this tree's story.

Subscribe to Sempervirens Fund’s YouTube channel to follow Jane's journey in the first season of Curiosity Stories.

More to Explore

Waiting for the next episode to drop? Here's more to explore to sate your inquisitive mind and adventurous spirit.

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