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Help Rebuild State Parks

"Take Action for Redwoods" appears with the Sempervirens Fund

Assembly Bill 2103

Help Rebuild State Parks

Your actions are working! With the help of more than 1,800 of your fellow supporters reaching out to state leadership, Assembly Bill 2103 passed the State Assembly on 5/22/24! This is a great step forward for helping to rebuild our fire-damaged parks, including the nearly 200 acres protected in the Saddle Mountain Conservation Area for Big Basin Redwoods State Park. Thank you!

We're close to the finish line! But AB 2103 still needs to pass the Senate. Will you sign up for email alerts for the next step to pass AB 2103 and rebuild state parks?

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Goal: $124,000 by June 30

Double your impact protecting redwoods! Every dollar counts towards safeguarding these majestic giants. Act now to ensure a thriving future for our redwood forests.

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