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A branch of oak leaves changing from greenish-yellow to rusty orange hangs above a view a green canyon to the forested slopes of the Santa Cruz mountains beyond from Castle Rock State Park

Fall and Winter Hikes

September 21, 2023

As thermometers and leaves drop, crisp air and leaves beckon us outside to appreciate a different side of the Santa Cruz mountains’ wild beauty – colorful leaves, sparkling creeks, migrating birds, curious mushrooms, and of course banana slugs and elephant seals. If you’re looking for trails and places to enjoy the change of seasons this fall and winter, you’re in luck! Our staff are revealing their favorite places to go in the Santa Cruz mountains now.

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NEWS: San Vicente Redwoods Progress Report on Wildfire Resilience Restoration Three Years After CZU Wildfire, Amid Continued Risk

September 13, 2023

Since early 2022, San Vicente Redwoods partners have treated more than 820 acres, opened 7.3 miles of public access trails, improved community safety, and secured $3 million in funding to continue necessary work in living laboratory of forest restoration. Learn more.

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A bright green shrub rises from the lower left near an intersection of trails and seemingly habitats, with deep green redwood forest behind and a lush, green native oak bordering the meadow on the right, at Castle Rock Hollow, by Orenda Randuch

NEWS: Castle Rock Hollow Purchase to Complete Protected Natural Boundary of Castle Rock State Park

September 12, 2023

Sempervirens Fund announced its purchase of Castle Rock Hollow, permanently preserving the 51-acre property, which shares a boundary with Sempervirens Fund’s former Castle Rock West property that was recently added to Castle Rock State Park.

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Fuel for Fire: Framing Forest Resilience Three Years After the CZU Fire

August 18, 2023

Three years after the CZU Fire, the resilient land is recovering and fire-adapted species are restoring green to the landscape. But these lush signs of nature’s rebirth after fire can quickly become fuel for the next fire. How can we restore these ecosystems from a damaging past for an uncertain future? Take a look through a trained lens to witness the intersection of natural resilience and cutting-edge stewardship techniques.

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View of Castle Rock State Park from Ridge Trail on way to Goat Rock

NEWS: California State Parks Purchases Six Properties from Sempervirens Fund, Permanently Expanding Castle Rock State Park

August 15, 2023

NEWS: California State Parks Purchases Six Properties from Sempervirens Fund, Permanently Expanding Castle Rock State Park

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A black and white photo from Sempervirens Fund’s historic archive shows three men—in early 20th century suits consisting of dark colored trousers, white collared long-sleeved shirts with ties, dress shoes, and a few accessories like suspenders, vests, and hats reminiscent of fashion just after the turn of the century—sit casually atop a rock outcropping rising above the surrounding brush and forest like a spire as the view of forested mountainsides fade off into the distance behind them.

Castle Rock State Park Legacy

July 25, 2023

Sempervirens Fund supporters like you have helped to create, expand, and keep Castle Rock State Park open over the decades. And we’re not done yet. Delve back in time to see how you’ve helped reimagine Castle Rock State Park as we look to what’s next.

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Seven members of Disabled Hikers donning face masks and hiking gear, which for some members include mobility devices like wheel chairs and canes, and a fluffy caramel colored dog on leash are lined up for a group photo in the sun with a lush redwood canopy behind them, by Orenda Randuch

Conservation, Eco-Ableism, and Reclaiming Limitations

June 7, 2023

For far too long, our world has been shaped by ideologies that both imagine, mark, and limit certain bodies for inclusion and exclusion from public space and the greater natural world. Eco-ableism is a core component of the creation of public lands. The outdoors won’t truly be a safe and inclusive space if we do not also address ableism and long-held assumptions about disability.

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Lupine blossoms, deep royal blue on the bottom and white on top, amidst spring green grasses, fill the frame, by Orenda Randuch

Beyond the Bloom: Superblooms in the Santa Cruz Mountains

May 31, 2023

Our resident biologist and natural resource manager Beatrix Jiménez-Helsley takes us on a photo essay into the rarer side of the superbloom and why its waning in some habitats and just getting started in others—a phenomenon that just may be the saving grace for redwoods and the species that rely on them as our climate continues to change.

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Aerial photography of the Saddle Mountain conservation area at the east entrance to Big Basin Redwoods State Park. This view looks west along California Highway 236 into Big Basin. The canopy is dominated by the crowns of redwoods, most of which were burned by the 2020 CZU wildfire. Photo by Jordan Plotsky.

NEWS: Sterrenzee Ridgetop Acquired to Expand Footprint of Big Basin Redwoods State Park Area Conservation

May 17, 2023

News: Sterrenzee Ridgetop Acquired to Expand Footprint of Big Basin Redwoods State Park Area Conservation

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Redwoods and Climate Part 4

May 10, 2023

In the final part of the redwoods and climate series by Julia Busiek, we explore research about how climate change is already affecting redwoods across their range, and how it informs our new plan to save redwoods, and the plants and wildlife that rely on them, before its too late.

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Goal: $124,000 by June 30

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