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Action Alert: Bills in Congress and State Legislature Need Your Support

Help make immediate and long-lasting impacts on conservation here in California and across America.

Fully Fund Land and Water Conservation

America is one vote and one signature away from resolving a generations-long fight to completely dedicate funding for the conservation of critical lands and water resources. Last week the Senate passed the Great American Outdoors Act in a historic 73-25 bipartisan vote. The bill provides full and dedicated funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund and alleviates a growing backlog of national park projects.

Contact your representative today

The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to take up the Great American Outdoors Act next week for final passage. Please email or call your representative and urging them to vote “yea” on the Great American Outdoors Act. To find your representative, click here.

California Green Stimulus Bond

The California State Legislature is considering a potential bond measure for the November 2020 ballot that would immediately invest in climate change actions and job growth, reduce costly climate risks like catastrophic wildfires, and increase equitable public access to nature.

The bond being considered is AB 3256, Assemblymember Garcia’s Economic Recovery, Wildfire Prevention, Safe Drinking Water, Drought Preparation, and Flood Protection Bond Act of 2020.

Contact your representative today

Please call or email your state representative and urge them to support passage of AB 3256, or similar provisions in any economic stimulus plan, so we can fund parks and accelerate solutions to climate change, job loss, and access to nature. To find your representative, click here.


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