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Looking from yellow lupine blooms along one of Año Nuevo Vista’s ridges to forested slopes of redwoods recovering post-fire, and down to the glittering Pacific Ocean beneath a clear blue sky, by Orenda Randuch

Protect Año Nuevo Vista

From glittering white ridges to the glittering Pacific Ocean, Año Nuevo’s breathtaking views boast much of what makes the Santa Cruz mountains special. Its shady redwood forest and sunny chaparral interspersed with rare white sands known as “the chalks” support endangered plants and animals. Together, we can protect Año Nuevo Vista’s forest and watershed from development and help connect the largest protected lands and wildlife habitat.

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Silhouetted forest descends to glittering sea out to mountains against a hazy sky tinted by sunset, by Orenda Randuch

Help Rebuild State Parks

Help California State Parks rebuild Big Basin, Butano, and Año Nuevo State Parks and protect the region’s incredible biodiversity devastated by the 2020 CZU Fire. Stay tuned for the next step to ask state leadership to rebuild State Parks and protect priority lands in the Santa Cruz mountains.

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foggy mountains behind mature trees, by Mike Kahn

America the Beautiful

The vision for protecting and restoring 30% of America’s land and waters by 2030 has a ways to go. Urge state leadership to prioritize conserving and restoring lands, waters, and wildlife.

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A black and white photo from Sempervirens Fund’s historic archive shows three men—in early 20th century suits consisting of dark colored trousers, white collared long-sleeved shirts with ties, dress shoes, and a few accessories like suspenders, vests, and hats reminiscent of fashion just after the turn of the century—sit casually atop a rock outcropping rising above the surrounding brush and forest like a spire as the view of forested mountainsides fade off into the distance behind them.

Castle Rock State Park Legacy

Sempervirens Fund supporters like you have helped to create, expand, and keep Castle Rock State Park open over the decades. And we’re not done yet. Delve back in time to see how you’ve helped reimagine Castle Rock State Park as we look to what’s next.

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Family circles of coast redwood trees, their bark gray from the 2020 CZU fire but covered in the bright green fuzz of new growth, stand tall against a bright blue sky in Big Basin State Park in 2022

Big Basin Returns

In July 2022, Big Basin re-opened its gates, and as we see our way past the two-year anniversary of the CZU fire, people are visiting once more. We talked to staff and interns about their experiences and spoke with our director of conservation about our work at the park and at a newly acquired nearby property that may well have a role in the park’s future.

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Land Director Laura McLendon surveys Big Basin State Park with Rangers after the CZU Fire.

Reimagining Big Basin

In August 2021, a year after the CZU fire, California State Parks launched a visioning process for Reimagining Big Basin. A year later, they have a vision for the park’s future. Learn more, connect, and stay involved.

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