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An up close photo of a western fence lizard’s cream, tan, and black spotted scales and face in profile, by Orenda Randuch

An Extraordinary Look at an Ordinary Lizard

You’ve seen them. They are one of the most commonly seen lizards in the Santa Cruz mountain region. That is, if they want to be seen. As herpetologist and creator of the #FindThatLizard game Dr. Earyn McGee shows us, these masters of disguise can hide right beneath our very eyes. But you’ve probably never seen them quite like this. Photographer Orenda Randuch, zooms in to share an extraordinary look at an ordinary lizard. Are you ready to see the Western fence lizard in a whole new way?

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Semperviresn Fund staff on a trail at Camp Jones Gulch by Canopy Dynamics

NEWS: Camp Jones Gulch Protected

Sempervirens Fund and The Y of San Francisco finalize permanent protection of Camp Jones Gulch, including old-growth redwoods in the Santa Cruz mountains.

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The setting sun shines rays opf golden light through a blanket of lavender fog below three redwood trees overlooking the forest below, by Canopy Dynamics

Protecting Camp Jones Gulch

Nearly a million young people have attended Camp Jones Gulch to connect with nature and themselves, since it opened its doors in the 1930’s. But time and money were running out to allow more youth the opportunity to marvel at its landscape. Read on to learn what makes Camp Jones Gulch so special and how a conservation easement will protect it forever and keep it resilient for generations to come.

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