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OpenRoad: Quiroste Valley – Restoring Sacred Ground

OpenRoad’s Quiroste Valley story, originally broadcast on NBC Bay Area, explores the beautiful Quiroste Valley (pronounced “Keer-osh-tee”) by the San Mateo coast where Portola’s expedition made “first contact” with the native people in 1769 before going on to “discover” San Francisco Bay. It showcases the wonderful collaborations underway between Sempervirens Fund, the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, California State Parks, University of California researchers and the Girl Scouts of Northern California to re-introduce native land management practices and to share this knowledge with future generations.

Please note that the Quiroste village area is not open to the public to protect this sensitive archaeological site.

Related resources:

Learn more about Sempervirens Fund’s involvement with OpenRoad with Doug McConnell.

The following film from the Bay Area Open Space Council also features Sempervirens Fund and the Amah Mutsun Land Trust partnership:

“Here and Now” – A short film about partnerships between Native Americans and land trusts.

Here and Now is a short film that tells the story of four innovative partnerships between Native Americans and land conservation organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area. The film shares examples of efforts to make it right… right by the land and right for future generations. We travel to mountain tops, valleys and the coast to hear from local tribes, a working farm, a local land trust, an open space district, and a national land trust. The film will open your eyes and change the way you look at the inches and acres of land we are working to protect and steward.

Visit the Bay Area Open Space Council’s website for additional information.

Watch the Here and Now film trailer:


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