Volunteer Opportunities
At Sempervirens Fund, we offer a variety of opportunities and roles to suit people of all different backgrounds, interests, and talents:
Core Volunteers
Key contributors who volunteer on a recurring basis in various roles, such as:
- Community engagement
- Land stewardship
- Leading hikes
- Donor services
- Tribute Program
- Media and content
Specialized Volunteers
These volunteers apply for specialized positions that require a high level of skill and responsibility. The availability of these types of roles depends on current needs.
Open specialized volunteer positions:
One-Time Opportunities
Currently, there are no upcoming one-time volunteer opportunities. Please check this page regularly for updates.
Book a private volunteer experience with Sempervirens Fund. We welcome requests from groups from corporations, nonprofit and religious organizations, community groups, clubs, schools, and more. Group volunteer opportunities generally last four hours, depending on the activity. We will work with you to find the opportunity that fits your groups and our organization’s needs. Please submit your request form at least two months prior to the preferred event date.
Have Questions? We’re Here to Help!
Curious about volunteering with Sempervirens Fund? Our Community Engagement Manager would be happy to answer your questions!
Robbie Brown
Regional Volunteer Opportunities
Here are additional volunteer opportunities with partners and organizations that support our forests and parks:

Castle Rock State Park and Big Basin Redwoods State Park
Santa Cruz Mountains Trail Association (SCMTA)
Sempervirens Fund helped found the SCMTA in 1969 that builds and maintains trails in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Join their Castle Rock Trail Crew, Skyline-to-the-Sea Trail Crew or Big Basin Volunteer Trail Crew. Visit their website for volunteer trail crew details and schedules (you will need to apply for membership to view the calendar and details). And get Involved with Reimagining Big Basin, more info here.

Butano State Park
To volunteer for Butano’s trail crew, call the park at 650-879-2040.

Other Trail Projects
The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Sierra Pathfinders - check their calendar to view their trail maintenance schedule.