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El Corte De Madera Creek Preserve

A Regional Wonderland

Nestled in the upper headwaters of the San Gregorio Creek watershed, El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve transects lush redwood forests, chaparral-dotted hillsides, sandstone boulders, and creeks. Located on Skyline Boulevard in Woodside, the Mid-Peninsula Open Space preserve is a great destination for hiking, biking, and horseback riding. Sempervirens Fund helped grow the preserve to 2,906-acres and 34-miles of trails. The world-famous, 1,800-year old Methuselah Tree can be found here.

An Old-Growth Treasure

In 2010, Sempervirens Fund protected 31 acres of redwood forests, which Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District added to expand the preserve in 2012. The grove of old-growth redwoods is now the largest one in the district, and protects habitat for species, including the marbled murrelet, California red-legged frog, and steelhead trout.

El Corte De Madera Redwoods by David Baron
El Corte De Madera Redwoods by David Baron

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