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GOAL: $124,000 BY JUNE 30

Donate today and double your impact protecting redwoods! Every dollar counts towards safeguarding these majestic giants. Act now to ensure a thriving future for our redwood forests.

Help Rebuild State Parks

Help California State Parks rebuild Big Basin, Butano, and Año Nuevo State Parks and protect the region’s incredible biodiversity devastated by the 2020 CZU Fire. Ask state leadership to rebuild State Parks and protect priority lands in the Santa Cruz mountains.

Living with Trees: A Historian’s Perspective for the Future

Like history, science is record keeping. By looking at trees through both human perspectives of science and culture, across time and the globe, Dr. Daniel Lewis, author, historian, and curator at one of the world’s most renowned research libraries, looks for how we might save trees to save ourselves.

Save Climate Funding in State Budget

With increasingly severe fires, floods, and sea level rise affecting the state each year, California should be rapidly investing to deploy climate mitigation measures and strengthen its resiliency as soon as possible. Ask your legislators to act on a climate bond in 2024.

Our Vision

We believe wild and thriving redwood forests can flourish again from Silicon Valley to the Pacific Ocean. With your help, we can establish a large, interconnected, and protected network of healthy trees and streams, stretching across public and private lands. Learn more about our vision.

Our Work

Acres Saved
State Parks Created
Local Destinations

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You can support healthy, vibrant redwood forests to take root in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Join today to preserve redwoods for many generations to come. Look for upcoming campaigns and keep informed about how you can get more involved. Thank you for being part of this epic journey forward.

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Goal: $124,000 by June 30

Double your impact protecting redwoods! Every dollar counts towards safeguarding these majestic giants. Act now to ensure a thriving future for our redwood forests.

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