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California’s Majestic
Coast Redwoods

Coast redwoods—Sequoia sempervirens—are the majestic guardians of California's most precious habitats and wildlife. With your support, Sempervirens Fund protects and preserves redwood forests in the Santa Cruz mountains, ensuring a healthy and resilient balance of nature, now and always.

A lavender tinged blanket of fog surrounds a redwood forested peak at Camp Jones Gulch in the Santa Cruz Mountains, by Canopy Dynamics

Chronodiversity in Redwood Forests

Among the hallmarks of healthy redwood forests are trees of varying ages growing and thriving together. Achieving this diversity of ages, or chronodiversity, can improve old-growth conditions, which leads to greater habitat diversity—two essential outcomes for redwoods to thrive in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Read on to learn about the importance of chronodiveristy in coast redwood forests.

Why Cut Redwoods?

More than a decade ago, Sempervirens Fund was confronted with a choice: do we actively manage the forests we protect to improve their health, or do we continue to protect the redwoods as we have for more than a century and allow nature to heal on its own timeline? Active management to restore the forest would include the need to cut down trees for the benefit of the forest. With the increasing urgency to help redwoods recover from past human impacts and prepare for accelerating climate changes ahead, we collaborated with Bay Nature Magazine and author Audrea Lim to look at the shift in our redwood revolution and explore the outcomes.

Growing Old-Growth

An old-growth redwood is huge. One of the largest living things to ever grace the planet. And their size isn’t just impressive, it’s important. In the Santa Cruz Mountains very few old-growth redwoods remain, but you’re helping to grow the old-growth of tomorrow, today. Together, we’re restoring redwood forests faster for the trees, for wildlife, for the fight against climate change, and for future generations.

Our Vision

We believe wild and thriving redwood forests can flourish again from Silicon Valley to the Pacific Ocean. With your help, we can establish a large, interconnected, and protected network of healthy trees and streams, stretching across public and private lands. Learn more about our vision.

Our Work

Acres Saved
State Parks Created
Local Destinations

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You can support healthy, vibrant redwood forests to take root in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Join today to preserve redwoods for many generations to come. Look for upcoming campaigns and keep informed about how you can get more involved. Thank you for being part of this epic journey forward.

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